Reflexology is the study of Reflexes. it is a non-invasive, Natural modality that treats the whole person (Holistic).
Benefits of Reflexology:
Relieve Tension
Decrease Stress
Reduce Pain
Improve Circulation and Nerve Function
Boost Immunity
Encourage Relaxation
Return the body to a state of Homeostasis, balance and harmony​​
​All of our organs and organ systems can be mapped through the Feet, Hands, Ears and Iris
Treatments are provided to the Feet as the preferred site.
Hands are secondary site of treatment.
Reflexology is not a quick fix, consecutive treatments will allow for improvements in overall wellbeing.
As I am training to be a Registered Reflexologist, I'm asking for volunteers to complete the clinical portion of my training.
If you are interested in treatments at a reduced rate, for a Student Fee of $25/ session, for at least 5 sessions*.
please press the Clinical Volunteer button to sign up.
Location to be determined
Appointments are approximately 2 hours.
Treatments will begin mid November 2024
*(maximum 10 sessions at discounted price)
Medical Disclaimer: Reflexology is not to replace medical care or treatments. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. If you are under the care of a Primary Care Provider or Specialist, please consult with them prior to starting Reflexology. Reflexology will not “cure” a medical condition. Reflexology will to assist with the above benefits only.